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Home / Regattas and places / Italy / Barcolana 2024

October 4, 2024
October 13, 2024

Barcolana 2024


Total days:10Racing days: 9

Team level

Beginners, Еxperienced, Professionals

Activity level


Event Language

Barcolana 2024
About event

Start:Trieste, UTI Giuliana, Italy

Finish:Trieste, UTI Giuliana, Italy

c 1969

Barcolana 2024

The most numerous regatta is the legendary Barcolana!

More than fifty years ago, the sailing club Barcola and Grignano (Società Velica di Barcola e Grignano - two districts of Trieste) held the first race, in which 51 boats took part. In 2017, there were already 2101 boats. It was a world record for a simultaneous start: 25 thousand people on the water and 300 thousand spectators on the shore.

The regatta is thirteen nautical miles: it starts from Barcolana and Miramare, and ends in the heart of Trieste, in the Unity of Italy square.

Before the race, there is a festival with 300 events and initiatives, including water sports, arts, culture, meetings, social events that are interesting not only to professionals, but also to a wide audience. Thus, every year the regatta attracts more and more participants and yachtsmen.

Events schedule

  • Oct 4, 2024

    The schedule will be added later



The regatta will take place along a fixed route in the Gulf of Trieste. The length of the course is 13 nautical miles. The starting line runs between Barcola and Miramare. The finish of the regatta is the square of the Unity of Italy. The Barcolana regatta is an opportunity not only to become a part of the history of world sailing but also to fill your life with vivid impressions.


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