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Home / Regattas and places / Montenegro / Corporate regatta in Montenegro

June 1, 2025
June 7, 2025

Corporate regatta in Montenegro


Total days:7Racing days: 7

Team level

Еxperienced, Beginners

Activity level


Event Language

Russian, English
Corporate regatta in Montenegro
About event

Start:Будва, Черногория

Finish:Будва, Черногория

Corporate regatta in Montenegro

A corporate regatta is a friendly sailing competition, where teams race yachts following proper sailing rules.

All boats start at the same time, with the goal of completing the course as quickly as possible and finishing ahead of the competition.

The races take place in a safe and comfortable environment, under the guidance of an experienced skipper, making them suitable for participants of all fitness levels.

Prior to the regatta, we hold a briefing to cover the basics of the vessel's structure, yacht handling, and on-board safety. The skipper assigns roles to the participants and provides guidance on what needs to be done and when during the race.

More detailed schedule and cost estimates are available on request.

Season: June - September

Fleet: cruising yachts from 40ft

Bases: Tivat, Bar, Budva

Duration: 7 days

Cost: from 1200€ per day (accommodation on the yacht, skipper's services)

Events schedule

  • Jun 1, 2025

    The schedule is on request




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