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Home / School, courses also ONLINE / Cyprus / Inshore Skipper course

November 21, 2022
November 30, 2022

Inshore Skipper course


Total days:10Course days: 9

Team level

Еxperienced, Beginners

Activity level


Event Language

Russian, English
Inshore Skipper course
About event

Start:Limassol, Cyprus

Finish:Limassol, Cyprus

Inshore Skipper course

To obtain this type of licence you will need to:

- Complete a 30-hour theory course and pass a test on the material studied. Full-time study, on-line classes and self-study with hand in materials by topic are possible. If you can prove that you have had at-sea practice, you can pass the theory course as an extern.

- You can take an at-sea course from 7 to 14 days, depending on the licence and practical skills you already have.

During the course you will learn:

-Yacht handling under the engine in conditions of limited maneuvering space and open water;

-mooring the yacht with the stern and foredeck;

-receiving/receiving the boat;

-preparing the boat for the crossing;

-briefing the crew on safety procedures;

-working with paper/electronic charts and lodge;

-naval lights, signs and audible signals;

-International Vessel Collision Avoidance Regulations;

-crossing planning;


-anchoring the yacht;

-nautical knots;

-running and standing rigging;

-sail handling;

-steering a yacht under sail;

-basics of meteorology;

-reading and application of weather forecasts from various sources;

-operating a VHF radio;

-emergency signals on the VHF radio station;

-using pyrotechnics in emergency situations;

-rescuing a person from the water;

-organising a proper life on the boat.


One-week stay on a sailing boat in a 2-bed cabin, instructor services, linen and towels, gas, registration fees, "Dinghy" (inflatable boat with rigid bottom) complete with paddles, photo escort.

Events schedule

  • Nov 21, 2022

    Start point: Limassol


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