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Home / Regattas and places / Italy / Palermo-Montecarlo 2022

August 17, 2022
August 26, 2022

Palermo-Montecarlo 2022


Total days:10Racing days: 10

Team level

Еxperienced, Beginners, Professionals

Activity level


Event Language

Russian, English
Palermo-Montecarlo 2022
About event

Start:Palermo, Province of Palermo, Italy

Finish:Monte Carlo, Monaco-Ville, Monaco

Проводится ежегодно с 2005 года.

Palermo-Montecarlo 2022

Palermo — Monte Carlo 2021 is a prestigious offshore regatta for those who like high technology and beautiful landscapes.

The Palermo — Monte Carlo regatta is a 500-mile offshore race in the Mediterranean held annually under the patronage of Albert, the Prince of Monaco. The regatta was founded in 2005 when the Consul of the Principality of Monaco and the Sports Council of the city of Palermo decided to combine two places that are in a friendly relationship with each other into one regatta. Palermo — Monte Carlo is a regatta for those who like high technology and beautiful landscapes.

Owners of yachts from 50-100 feet that at that moment are on the Cote d’Azur, on the islands of Sardinia and Corsica, and in Italy participate in the regatta.

Participants love the Palermo — Monte Carlo regatta for an excellent opportunity for tactical and navigational practice, and for high-quality corporate team building. Beginners are invited to participate in the regatta as part of experienced teams. You will get your role and in the process of racing, you will learn the basics of yachting - an unforgettable experience!

The regatta starts in the city of Palermo — one of the most interesting cities in Italy. Palermo is called the city of contrasts: fashionable hotels and the ruins of old houses are next to each other here. It is definitely worth it to set aside some time to explore the city and make your own impression about it.

Events schedule

  • Aug 17, 2022

    Please note that the exact dates and program have not yet been published by the organizers. We will update the information in the near future.


The regatta is interesting for its tactical maneuvers when sailing around the islands of Sardinia and Corsica. Typically, the fleet is divided into two groups: some yachts go around Corsica from the north, the others — to the Strait of Bonifaccio (between Sardinia and Corsica). The struggle between the two fleet groups has an unpredictable scenario until the very finish!


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