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Home / Cruises, walks, expeditions / Cuba / A stage-by-stage voyage from Cuba to Palma de Mallorca

March 28, 2020
April 10, 2020

A stage-by-stage voyage from Cuba to Palma de Mallorca


Total days:14Cruise days: 14

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Event Language

Russian, English, Italian
A stage-by-stage voyage from Cuba to Palma de Mallorca
About event


Finish:Samana 32000, Dominican Republic

A stage-by-stage voyage from Cuba to Palma de Mallorca

Stage 1.

The country of arrival: Cuba (Ukrainians need visas), Havana Jose Marti Airport (preferably a few days before the start, for acclimatization and sightseeing tours).

A transfer from Havana to Cienfuegos 240 km (by taxi - 3-4 hours, by bus - 5-6 hours)

Starting the voyage after registration of documentation (checkout) in the afternoon of 28.03.

Cuba. Cienfuegos, Trinidad, Cayo Jardines Islands, Santiago. (kayaking for flamingos, trekking, snorkeling)

Haiti. Tortue Island, Canal de la Tortue, Arrondisman de Port de Pe. (snorkeling, tracking)

Dominican Republic. Samana Bay, Puerto Plata. (snorkeling, horseback riding to waterfalls, whale watching during their mating period)

The country of departure when the voyage is over: Dominican Republic (check-in) in Samana. You can leave from three airports: Santiago, Punta Cana, Santo Domingo.

The distance is approximately 130-170 km.

Events schedule

  • Mar 28, 2020

    Our voyage starts in Cuba, Cienfuegos.

    After the start, we will head towards Haiti. We will make several stops on different islands.

    The program includes kayaking for flamingos, trekking, snorkeling.

    Next, we will sail to the Dominican Republic.

    The program includes snorkeling, horseback riding to waterfalls, whale watching during the mating season.



We will visit, Cuba, Haiti, and Dominican Republic


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