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Home / Regattas and places / Poland / Unity Line regatta 2020

August 5, 2020
August 9, 2020

Unity Line regatta 2020


Total days:5Racing days: 5

Team level

Beginners, Еxperienced

Activity level


Event Language

Russian, English
Unity Line regatta 2020
About event

Start:Swinoujscie, Poland

Finish:Swinoujscie, Poland

Unity Line regatta 2020

The Unity Line regatta was first held in 2000. From the very beginning of its existence, the organizers wanted not only to conduct competitive races among yachtsmen but also to maintain a friendly atmosphere between the crews. The popularization of yachting is one of the main goals of everyone who organizes and takes part in the regatta. Every year, the organizers of the regatta prepare an exciting program for yachtsmen not only at sea but also onshore. Teams from all over the world participate in the regatta as well as yachtsmen with different levels of training and with absolutely no experience.

Apart from yachtsmen, we invite fans and spectators who will also be able to attend private events of the regatta.

The main office of the regatta, where all registration formalities are held, is located in the town of Swinoujscie. We hope that our regatta will be written in your sports calendars every year, and we will do our best to make you want to come back again and again.

Events schedule

  • Aug 5, 2020

    08:00 - the opening of the regatta office

    Accepting applications and documents for Extreme and ORC Group routes

    10:00 - the closing of the regatta office, the closing of ORC фтв Extreme start lists

    10:15 - the opening of the 20th Unity Line regatta, skippers briefing

    13:05 - Extreme race signal (start of a long race)

    13:30 - ORC race signal

    17:30 - The last signal for the ORC race

    20:00 - publication of unofficial results of the ORC race (the office and the website of the regatta).

  • Aug 6, 2020

    08:00 - the opening of the regatta office

    10:00 - ORC race signal

    14:00 - Acceptance of yachts and submission of applications for racing on the standard route (office of the regatta in the Swinoujscie marina)

    17:00 - the last warning signal for the ORC race

    20:00 - publication of unofficial results of the ORC race (the office and the website of the regatta)

    22:00 - closing of the regatta office

  • Aug 7, 2020

    8:00 - the opening of the regatta office - receiving applications

    10:00 - the official opening of the XX Unity Line regatta (skippers briefing, preparation for the parade)

    11:30 - the parade of yachts

    13:20 - the beginning of the standard race along the long route of the ORC group, the finish of the race is in the water area of the port of Dziwnow

    21:00 - skippers briefing in Marina Dziwnow

    The finish line is open all day for the Extreme race at the port of Dziwnow.

  • Aug 8, 2020

    10:00 - the Standard and Extreme races in accordance with the instructions for sailing

    18:00 - the entertainment area in Dziwnow Marina (snacks, rides, the main stage).

    Announcement of Extreme Route Results.

  • Aug 9, 2020

    10:00 - the official closing of the regatta (announcement of the results, award ceremony, awarding the main prize - Unity Line ferry cruise and cash prizes)

    12:00 - the closing of the 20th Unity Line regatta

    12:30 - the parade in Dziwnow



The regatta is traditionally held in the Baltic Sea, the city of Swinoujscie


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