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Home / School, courses also ONLINE / Thailand / Inshore Skipper Sail / Power ISSA

January 14, 2024
January 21, 2024

Inshore Skipper Sail / Power ISSA


Total days:8Course days: 7

Team level


Activity level


Event Language

Russian, English
Inshore Skipper Sail / Power ISSA
About event

Start:Phuket, Thailand

Finish:Phuket, Thailand

Inshore Skipper Sail / Power ISSA

  • Navigation and cartography.
  • Calculation of total compass error.
  • Observational techniques (calculation methods and observed positions).
  • General information of the mercatorial chart.
  • Characteristics of lighthouses and navigation marks.
  • Charting a route and working with pilots.
  • MPSS-72.
  • Tidal waters (tables, almanacs, calculation rules, atlases of currents and rhombuses).
  • VHF radio communications and use of a half duplex station;
  • Fundamentals of maritime English with application of the phonetic alphabet.
  • Introduction to synoptic meteorology and analysing weather forecasts.
  • Yacht handling under motor and sails.
  • All basic manoeuvres of the vessel including MOU.
  • Practical mooring skills.
  • Crew organisation, logbook keeping, watch planning and emergency situations. General planning of sea crossings in all times and weather conditions up to 6 Beaufort.
  • Interaction with charter company representatives and port authorities. Handling of insured and non-insured claims.
  • According to ISSA standards, this certificate entitles its holder to operate a sailing-motor vessel up to 24 metres in length by day and night at a distance of 20 nautical miles from the shore and wind force up to 27 nautical knots.
  • Certification Inshore Skipper Sail 150 euro, Inshore Skipper Power 150 euro VHF Radio Operator (Short Range Certificate) 100 euro.
  • Inshore Skipper course is possible only after completion of Yacht Crew course.

Events schedule

  • Jan 14, 2024

    7 дней теория и практика


Обучение проходит на Пхукете, Тайланд


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