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Home / School, courses also ONLINE / Cyprus / Two-days Sail Racing Course in Cyprus

March 28, 2020
March 29, 2020

Two-days Sail Racing Course in Cyprus


Total days:2Course days: 2

Team level


Activity level


Event Language

Russian, English
Two-days Sail Racing Course in Cyprus
About event

Start:Limassol Marina St 3601, Limasol, Cyprus

Finish:Limassol Marina St 3601, Limasol, Cyprus

Two-days Sail Racing Course in Cyprus

You will learn not only how to make sailing, but learn how to adjust the sails, to feel the balance, to take starts, and to steer in the wind. You will understand tactics and how to manage the gennaker, and, of course, how to work as a team in any position. 

The first and the only offshore racing courses in Cyprus with its mono fleet and experienced coaches in the beautiful Limassol Marina.

The course is suitable as for beginners and those who would like to refresh their knowledge as for progressive sailors, who are already familiar with the sail.  

2 weekend days (Saturdays and Sundays)

The course takes place in one of the weekend day: 6 hours a day, of which 2 hours of theory and 4 hours of practice.

4 theoretical hours

2 theoretical lessons for 2 hours each, classes are held on a yacht in Limassol Marina

8 sailing hours

 2 practical lessons for 3-4 hours at the sea, one day — in the race mode on the FAREAST 28R yachts, practice immediately after theory.

4-5 participants

 The maximum amount of participants are 5-6 persons, this guarantees maximum attention to each team participant.

The course is suitable as for beginners and those who would like to refresh their knowledge. Dates of the course will be set up as soon as the group will be 4-5 people — a course enrollment is open.

Events schedule

  • Mar 28, 2020

    Meeting at Limassol Marina.

    Time: 10:00–15:00

    On the first day you will learn:

    — terminology and basic information,

    — basic settings of the yacht for different courses and directions,

    — learn how to determine the center of sail and general yacht balance concepts,

    — consider the basics of team management,

    — learn how to prepare the boat for races,

    — learn about the roles and functions in the crew.

    The practical part in the sea - about 4 hours.

  • Mar 29, 2020

    Time: 10:00–15:00

    On the second session, you will learn how to set up and work with sails. Work on:

    — settings of the front sails,

    — settings of the gears and grotto,

    — seating and team work,

    — work on steering to the wind

    — and turns.

    — The practical part in the sea - about 4 hours.



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