Sailing experience
- 17 seasons as a skipper - 1990-1992, 2005-2018
- Sailing childhood
- More than 150 regattas
- Passed more than 12000 nm
- Cruises in the Meddeterenian, races (Turkey, Italy, France, Croatia, Greece)
- Transatlantic transitions, 3400 nm (New Orleans - Florida - Bermuda - Azores) three
- Norway - Svalbard - Norway, 1800 n.m
- Baltic, 1000 nm (Latvia - Finland - Sweden)
- The canaries, 1000 nm
- The Azores, 220 nm
- Self-employed Skipper: Wind Force, Polvetra, Sailing Academy, SailingArt, Sportflot, School of Yacht Captains, 100 captains, Storm Crew, Sportflot, Ballinger
- Three seasons instructor on SB20
- Three seasons of snowkiting training
- Sports achievements: prizes in Russian and International regattas
Moscow, Russia
September 2019