Three Thrilling Race Days at Cyprus GRAND PRIX!With perfect weather and top-tier competition, the event delivered high-octane action for sailors and spectators alike.
Зимняя серия гонок в классе FAREAST 28RПриглашение на участие в зимней серии парусных гонок на Кипре в классе FAREAST 28R
The FAREAST 28R Winter SeriesInvitation to Participate in the Winter Sailing Series in Cyprus - FAREAST 28R Class.
Les Voiles de Saint-TropezLes Voiles de Saint-Tropez is one of the most prestigious and renowned sailing events in France, attracting both modern sailors and enthusiasts of classic sailing vessels.
Les Voiles de Saint-TropezLes Voiles de Saint-Tropez — это одно из самых престижных и известных парусных событий во Франции.
Everything You Need to Know About RegattasYou don't have to be an Olympic-level professional to participate in a regatta; you can enter the sailing sport literally from scratch and at any age.
Всё, что вам нужно знать о регатахДля участия в регате совсем не обязательно быть профессионалом уровня Олимпийских Игр, прийти в парусный спорт можно буквально с нуля и в любом возрасте.
Travel idea: Swim with the pigs in the BahamasWhat's the most unusual thing you've done while traveling? Bungee jumping from a 300-meter height? Scuba diving? Skydiving? Those activities are not extreme, but they're still exciting!
Идея для путешествия: поплавать со свинками на БагамахЧто самое необычное делали вы в путешествии? Банджи-джампинг с 300-метровой высоты? Погружение с аквалангом? Прыжок с парашютом? Это развлечение не экстремальное, но не менее интересное!
Top-7 gifts for a yachtsmenIf you are friends with people who are fond of yachting, then giving them a special gift related to yachting is a great idea. If your life is not yet related to the sea and sails, then this article will help you choose a good gift.
What to See in the Canary IslandsYachting in the Canary Islands is one of the most exciting and interesting forms of recreation. The Canary Archipelago consists of seven islands, and each one offers something worth seeing. The best way to move between the islands is by yacht.